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Financial Analyst Sydney Riggs Developed New Skills – and a Passion for Learning – Through Her Online MBA

Sydney Riggs resides in her hometown of Prince Edward Island, a small community on the east coast of Canada, where she works as a financial analyst for the local health authority. “I loveCarleton MBA graduate Sydney Riggs working in the healthcare field,” she said. “It’s always very busy and at the end of the day, you feel like you’ve done something that has helped make a difference, which is a unique experience working in finance.”

In May of 2023, Sydney began the Master of Business Administration with a Business Analytics concentration online program at Carleton University, an academic path she chose to develop relevant professional skills and prepare for exciting opportunities. As someone new to online learning, Sydney was pleased with how quickly she acclimated to the format.

“This was my first time doing classes online,” she said. “And I found it really easy to navigate and to figure things out. It wasn’t complicated, and I’m not somebody who is incredibly tech savvy.”

Sydney appreciated that the curriculum at Carleton was immediately applicable to her career, allowing her to share helpful techniques and strategies with colleagues that transform the way they address community health issues. A group research project during her final semester in the program stands out as an eye-opening experience. “We did our project on radiology and diagnostic imaging and how data analytics and these tools that are being created—such as AI and ChatGPT specifically—can be utilized in healthcare to make things more efficient.”

In addition to gaining knowledge she could instantly apply in her role with the health authority, Sydney benefited from the program’s accelerated format and completed her MBA within 13 months. She also enjoyed the freedom to study on her own schedule. “There were weekly deadlines and projects, but it did allow for a great deal of flexibility in terms of when you got your work done, which was great.”

Carleton’s dedicated faculty is invested in each student’s success, and Sydney was impressed by how supported she felt while learning online. “The faculty were amazing,” she said. “Every course that I had, we had easy access to all of our professors and teaching assistants.”

What does the future hold for Sydney? Her passion for learning and service has prompted her to apply for medical school. “I honestly think my ultimate career goal would be a physician. I need to believe in what I’m doing and hopefully making a positive impact on somebody somewhere.”

When asked for her advice to students who may be considering a similar academic path, Sydney enthusiastically endorsed her alma mater. “I can’t recommend it enough if you’re considering an MBA. The Carleton program is truly one of a kind. It’s fantastic.”

Transform Your Career With Big Data Expertise

Elevate your ability to utilize data for achieving organizational goals with the online MBA in business analytics program. This dynamic master’s degree explores the latest trends in data analytics and equips you with advanced leadership and project management strategies.

Asynchronous coursework covers cutting-edge concepts such as data mining, predictive modeling, machine learning and interactive dashboards, preparing you to excel as a data-driven decision maker. You’ll also gain a nuanced understanding of the complexities of international business that allows you to bring a global perspective to future opportunities.

Prepare for Leading Business Roles with an Online MBA from Carleton

The AACSB-accredited online MBA concentration in business analytics program empowers you with a sought-after combination of elite leaderships skills, mastery of emerging business technologies, and the collaborative abilities to unite teams and organizations behind a common goal.

As a graduate, you’ll be qualified for a variety of MBA business analytics careers, including:

  • Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Operations Analyst
  • Business Analytics Specialist
  • Supply Chain Analyst

Learn more about the MBA Business Analytics program.

We Offer Online MBA Programs to Fit Any Career Path

It’s never too late to diversify your skillset or pivot to new industries. Explore our full range of online MBA programs and find out how Carleton can help boost the trajectory of your career.

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